Team Rubicon’s Ultimate Hurricane Kit Checklist

Julie H. Case

The top things that should be in every hurricane preparedness kit, according to Greyshirts.

When a hurricane is on the horizon, preparation is key to ensuring your safety and the well-being of your loved ones. A well-stocked hurricane kit can be a lifeline during the storm and in the days that follow. Here are the essential items Team Rubicon and its disaster relief volunteers believe everyone should have on their hurricane kit checklist this year, from basic supplies to lifesaving tech gadgets.

Basic Survival Essentials

The cornerstone of any hurricane kit is the basic survival essentials. These items ensure you have what you need to endure the immediate aftermath of a hurricane when access to food, water, and shelter may be limited.

___ Water: At least one gallon per person per day for three days is recommended. Consider including water purification tablets or a portable water filter as a backup. And, you don’t need to buy and stockpile water: Simply clean used juice containers, then store water in them for up to six months at a time. 

___ Non-perishable Food: Stock up on ready-to-eat canned goods, protein bars, dried fruits, and nuts. 

___A Can Opener: No disaster kit would be complete without a way to open the food you’ve saved. Be sure your emergency kit has a manual can opener and some matches or a lighter. 

___ First-Aid Kit: A comprehensive first-aid kit should include bandages, antiseptic wipes, gauze, adhesive tape, scissors, tweezers, pain relievers, and any personal medications.

___ Flashlights and Batteries: Power outages are common during hurricanes. Ensure you have multiple flashlights and extra batteries. Consider adding headlamps for hands-free lighting.

___ A Multi-tool: A multi-tool with pliers, a knife, screwdrivers, and other functions can be invaluable in emergency situations.

Evacuation Essentials

If you need to evacuate, having a grab-and-go bag ready can save precious time.

___ Go-Bag: Pack a small, lightweight bag with essentials like clothing, medications, snacks, and important documents.

___ Maps: Don’t rely solely on GPS; include local maps in case digital navigation fails.

___ Fuel: According to hurricane survivors, half full is empty: Keep your vehicle’s gas tank full during hurricane season and store extra fuel safely if possible.

Supplies for Shelter, Warmth, and Protection 

Protecting yourself from the elements is crucial, especially if you need to evacuate or if your home is damaged.

___ Emergency Blankets or Sleeping Bags: Lightweight and space-efficient, these thermal blankets can keep you warm in cold conditions. For sleeping bags, choose waterproof sleeping bags designed for emergency use if possible.

___ Tarp and Duct Tape: These can be used to create a makeshift shelter or to repair damage to your home.

___ Rain Gear: Putting ponchos, raincoats, and waterproof boots in your disaster kit can help keep you dry in wet conditions.

___ Trash Bags: Heavy-duty trash bags can be used for waste disposal, but they can also be used as makeshift rain gear, to keep your blankets dry, or for storage during an emergency.

Important Documents Kept Dry to Speed Recovery

In the chaos of a hurricane, it’s easy to lose track of essential documents. And, having a copy of essential documents—including home deeds, insurance papers, identification documents, and medical records—available after the disaster can help speed recovery. 

___ Waterproof Document Bags or Ziplocs: To prepare for both a hurricane and its aftermath, store important papers like IDs, passports, insurance policies, medical records, and property deeds in a waterproof and fireproof bag. Add another level of security by placing those bags in a waterproof container. For one more added layer of security, you can even place all important documents and memorabilia high on a shelf so that if a flood does occur, it won’t soak boxes stored at ground level. 

___ Cash: ATMs and card readers may be down, so having cash on hand can be highly beneficial for purchasing supplies.

___ Emergency Contact List: Write down contact information for family members, doctors, and local emergency services.

Communication Tools and Life-saving Tech Gadgets

Staying informed about the disaster as it occurs, and in touch with others during and after a hurricane is essential. Some of the tech tools Team Rubicon volunteers have their own hurricane kit checklists:  

___ Battery-powered or Hand-crank Radio: NOAA weather radios provide crucial updates on the storm’s progress, emergency broadcasts, and even hurricane tracking information.

___ Cell Phone and Charger: A fully charged phone is essential, but also include a portable power bank or solar charger to keep it powered during an outage.

___ Whistle: A whistle can help signal for help if you are trapped or need to attract attention.

___ Portable Solar Generator: If you can afford one, these generators can power essential devices without the need for fuel, making them ideal for extended outages.

___ Emergency Beacon Lights: These lights can flash SOS signals to rescuers or be used to illuminate dark areas.

A Hurricane Kit for Your Pet

No hurricane kit checklist would be complete without taking Fido and Fifi into consideration. In addition to creating one hurricane kit for each member of your family, pack one for your pets, too. 

___ Pet Supplies: Pack food, water, bowls, a leash, and a week’s worth of medications, as well as waste bags for your pets. 

___ A Carrier or Crate: Should you need to evacuate, putting your pet in a crate or carrier will make it easier to get them to safety, too. Plus, if you need to go to a shelter, having a crate will be essential for getting your pet in with you. 

___ A Spare Leash: Pack an extra leash in your pet’s hurricane kit so that you aren’t searching for a tether while you’re trying to get yourself to safety. 

___ Comfort Items: Treats and toys can help keep your pet entertained and comforted during stressful times.

hurricane kit checklist
Items in one Greyshirt’s emergency kit.

Being prepared for a hurricane means having the right supplies on hand to ensure your safety and comfort during and after the storm. By making a hurricane kit checklist and assembling a comprehensive emergency kit before the storm, you’ll be ready to face the challenges that come with these powerful storms. Remember, preparation is your best defense, and having a well-stocked kit can make all the difference when disaster strikes.

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