Dean Wagner, U.S. Army veteran
Lake Hughes, CA

Dean served in the United States Army until 2011. He attended Eastern Florida State College. Dean currently works as a Freelance Web and Application Developer. He also volunteers with Veterans of Foreign Wars, Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association, and the Patriot Guard.
Dean’s first Team Rubicon event was in response to Hurricane Irma in Florida, Op Amberjack, where he benefited from the copious amounts of hugs he received. He was called an angel many times while serving during Amberjack—something he had never been called before. Dean loves to use his photography skills to capture nature, landscape, and wildlife photos.
Favorite quote: “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others” —Mahatma Gandhi
Phil Murray, U.S. Coast Guard veteran
Joshua Tree, CA

Phil served in the United States Coast Guard until 2014 after graduating from the Coast Guard Academy with a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science. He furthered his education, obtaining his master’s degree in Environmental Management. He works as a planner and imagery and GIS analyst. Phil donates his time to the Mojave Desert Land Trust in addition to Team Rubicon’s West Branch Sawyer Cadre.
His first Team Rubicon operation was Op Hard Hustle following Hurricane Harvey in 2017. He met some of his best friends and fellow leaders his first week in Texas. They talk daily, and encourage each other to better people inside and out of TR. He wouldn’t be as active in TR, let alone a sawyer without their encouragement and guidance. Interesting fact—at two days old, he had already been in three states. It set the tone for his life.
Favorite quote: “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.'” —Mr. Rodgers
Carmel Pierre-Paul, U.S. Marine Corps veteran
Fort Worth, TX

Carmel served in the United States Marine Corps until 1999. She earned her bachelor’s degree in Social Work and works as a case manager for Meals on Wheels in Fort Worth.
Carmel first participated with Team Rubicon at a senior community center after a winter storm brought the “Texas freeze” in February 2021. The biggest impact was seeing how TR acted quickly when it was clear there was an urgent need. On Carmel’s down time you will find her watching anime and playing video games.
“Helping others that are unable to help themselves, that is what service means to me.” —Carmel Pierre-Paul
David Laningham, U.S. Marine Corps veteran
Springdale, AR

David served in the United States Marine Corps until 2006. He is enrolled at Southwestern Baptist College studying Theological Seminary. He is a licensed minister and a certified building inspector. David works as a city building inspector in Lowell, Arkansas. In addition to volunteering with Team Rubicon, he donates his time to Operation Open Season and his church.
David’s first operation with Team Rubicon was Op Starting Gun in 2013, responding to the devastating tornado that struck Moore, Oklahoma. The most impactful part is when other Greyshirts text him saying that he is missed and the random cards that show up. Fun fact—he has officiated the wedding of other Clay Hunt Fellows and he has been in a few TV commercials.
Favorite quote: “Give each other grace.” —Sergeant Major Post
Ashlee Bull, U.S. Air Force veteran
Hampstead, NC

Ashlee served with the United States Air Force until 2018. She is a Registered Nurse and continues to work in the same field she served in while in the Air Force. She volunteers with multiple local organizations in addition to Team Rubicon determined to meet the needs of her community as they arise.
Favorite quote: “We don’t always control what happens to us, but we always control how we respond.” —Mark Manson
Terry Rivera, U.S. Navy veteran
Los Angeles, CA

Terry served in the United States Navy as a Fleet Marine Force Corpsman. He received his Bachelor of Arts in Emergency Management. He is currently working in the film and television industry. He volunteers on the board for Veterans in Media Entertainment.
In 2013, Terry deployed on Op Starting Gun following a tornado that devastated the city of Moore, Oklahoma, and not only was this his first time serving with Team Rubicon, but also a pivot point in his life that pulled him out of some dark times.
Serving in a disaster zone with others, working toward a common goal, and sorting out similar issues felt very cathartic. Many of those brothers and sisters he served with in Oklahoma have become lifelong friends. Fun fact—Terry was almost eaten by a polar bear while working in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska.
Favorite quote: “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” —Mahatma Gandhi
Brian Dupree, U.S. Air Force veteran
Bishop, GA

Brian served in the United States Air Force until 1995. He received his Bachelor of Science & Information Science, Minor in Business from Florida State University. He retired last year after a long career in municipal electric utilities as an engineering operations manager.
In addition, to the various roles in Team Rubicon, Brian, volunteers at his local community hospital. His first Team Rubicon event was his Core Operations 1 class that rekindled his passion for teaching. Fun fact about Brian—he also worked as a professional pyro-technician.
Favorite quote: “When people make mistakes, the last thing they need is discipline. It’s time for encouragement and confidence-building…” —Jack Welch
Brian Peck, U.S. Marine Corps veteran
Galveston, TX

Brian served in the United States Marine Corps until 2014. He is currently a stay-at-home dad and student studying Emergency Management at West Texas A&M. He also does contract work with Evacuate Our Allies Operations Center, collecting information from people in Afghanistan and connecting people to available resources.
His first Team Rubicon event was Op Crying Eagle in Louisiana and Texas after Hurricane Laura, working in the Logistics Section. On the operation, he met so many people who said they believed in him and saw something special, and he won’t forget how their encouragement made him feel. Brian’s secret ambition is to open a restaurant or food truck.
“True service is filling a gap for someone when they are unable to do it themselves. The nature or size of the act is irrelevant, it’s the act of service that is important.” —Brian Peck
Natalie Vatcher, U.S. Navy veteran
Irving, Texas

Natalie served in the United States Navy until 1997. She received her associate’s degree of Applied Science in Respiratory Care from Concorde Career College and works as a Respiratory Therapist in Texas.
She has been a Greyshirt for eight years and has held many volunteer leader roles. Currently she is a volunteer leader on the membership team in Dallas. Natalie’s first Team Rubicon event was a 2015 partnership service project with Habitat for Humanity in New Hampshire. She also volunteers with her church on the diversity committee. She really loves being able to help someone in their time of need. Natalie recently got into traveling and loves to bring her mom along for the ride.
Favorite quote: “Give your hands to serve, and your hearts to love.” —Mother Teresa
Lindsay Gutierrez, U.S. Air Force veteran
Nashville, GA

Lindsay served in the United States Air Force until 2016. She received her master’s degree in Social Work from Arizona State University. She currently serves as a Constituent Services Representative for Congressman Austin Scott, advising veterans and their families on VA-related programs. When Lindsay is not working with veterans you will find her serving with Dare Animal Rescues, Cinderella’s Closet, the American Legion, and as a Key Spouse with the Air Force.
Her first Team Rubicon operation was Op Kickback in Georgia, and it was here that she felt the comradery and mission of TR. She loved laughing, getting dirty, and helping put in hard work with her fellow Greyshirts.
“I met some inspiring people and contributed to the motto of ‘get shit done’ (GSD) with Greyshirts who demonstrated what it meant to be a servant leader.”
Lindsay is a mom to two potbelly pigs, Pearl and Templeton; two dogs, Violet and Princess; four chickens, and one hermit crab. She is addicted to mint Chapstick and in 2017 she was crowned Ms. Veteran America.
Favorite quote: “Be the change you wish to see in the world” —Mahatma Gahndi
David Daly, U.S. Navy and Marine Corps veteran
Yucca Valley, CA

David retired from the United States Marine Corps after graduating from the Naval Academy in 2001 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Oceanography. He furthered his education and obtained an MBA from the University of Redlands. David turned his love of drones into a thriving business and volunteers those skills with the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue team.
His first operation with Team Rubicon was Op Kick the King in response to COVID-19 where he had the opportunity to pack food boxes for those in need and facing added hardship during the pandemic. The experience of helping families get enough food to eat felt very powerful and rewarding.
Favorite quote: “There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.” —Ernest Hemingway
Cathy Warren, U.S. Army veteran
Lawrence, Kansas

Cathy served in the U.S. Army until 2019. She earned her associate’s degree in accounting, and paired with her skills from military service became an Information Specialist for the Department of Justice. She volunteers with other veterans through Team Rubicon, Mission Continues, and Team Red, White, and Blue.
Her first operation with TR was Op Hana Hale Hai in Hawaii where she felt the excitement of being able to serve others again. When she is not volunteering or participating in events with the veteran community, she can be found fishing at a nearby lake.
Favorite quote: “Everyone can be great because anyone can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t even have to make your subject and verb agree to serve…You only need a heart full of grace, a soul generated by love” —Martin Luther King, Jr