Eric Salnas is a graduate of the University of Arizona with a BS in Accounting and received an MBA from UT Austin. Before becoming Team Rubicon’s Chief Financial Officer, he lead a career in business consulting and was in charge of several large accounting teams.
When did you first hear about TR and what was your initial impression?
To be honest, I had never heard of Team Rubicon until I was approached with this job opportunity. I researched the organization to prepare for the interviews and my computer exploded with content. The mission and culture is incredible and easy to get behind.
What are you most excited about stepping into the role as CFO?
I’m excited, not just for being a part of the overall mission, but having the opportunity to execute the growth initiatives TR Finance will be challenged with for years to come. It’s awesome to be joining this great team and collectively leaving a footprint and legacy within Team Rubicon. It’s motivating and exciting.
You’ve been around the headquarters office for a few weeks now. What’s the funniest, weirdest, or most awesome thing you’ve experienced?
I was very lucky that my first day with Team Rubicon was the Clay Hunt Fellowship Cohort 3 presentations. No amount of internet findings or YouTube videos could prepare you for an event like that. Personally, meeting Susan Selke, Clay Hunt’s mother, that evening was an absolute honor.
Tell us about a person or event, which had a significant impact in your life.
I’ve been shaped and molded by several people throughout my life since childhood. Family, friends, teachers, and work colleagues have all influenced me in one way or another. One manager in particular early in my career was very hard on me. A relentless ass. In the moment, I was miserable. Looking back he was deliberately breaking some bad habits and taught me new ways to address problems and challenges, both personally and professionally.
If TR told you they had a special mission, just for you, in which you would be transported into a movie as a specific character in order to change the outcome or live it, what’s your movie and character?
I would be Han Solo in Star Wars. I’d cut the nonsense and blow up the Death Star immediately. Movie over in 20 min.
Cheeseburger, sushi, or triple patty cheeseburger?
Impossible question. I love to eat and try new foods and restaurants. It’s not beyond me to eat all three of these in one sitting. If I must answer, triple patty cheeseburger. What’s not to like about meat, cheese, and grease?