Go Day Events and Service Projects Take Place Across the Nation

Julie H. Case

Step up, serve locally, and celebrate the birth of Team Rubicon this Go Day. Here’s how.

As we close out the year and look to 2024, local and national leaders are scheduling countless service projects, capacity-building trainings, and social events to happen in honor of Go Day across the nation. Here are five to watch. Plus, how to find more Go Day events happening your area, and how to get notified when new Go Day events you can attend hit the Roll Call calendar. 

How to Find Go Day Events

To find Go Day events happening anywhere in the U.S. (and especially in your metro) simply visit Roll Call, click on “Events & More” in the menu bar, then choose “Find Events”. 

Once you’re in the new Find Events calendar, simply type “Go Day” into the search bar. Or, since Go Day happens on January 13 every year, you could also just filter for events happening on or around January 13, 2024.

Five Go Day Events to Know About

A Go Day Social in NYC

Join fellow Greyshirts for a gathering to celebrate Team Rubicon’s Go Day, reflect on what we as Team Rubicon have done and where we are headed, and meet local leaders—all with some food, a beverage of your choice, and great company. 

A Go Day Habitat for Humanity Service Project in South Carolina

On the morning of January 13, Greyshirts will come together with Habitat for Humanity to help rebuild a home in West Columbia, SC. TR will assist with a home repair project for the homeowner. Activities for home repair sites include demolition, painting, caulking, siding repair, ramp repair, landscaping, and window/door installation. 

A Go Day Deployment Workshop in Topeka, KS

Get prepped for the 2024 disaster season with this Deployment Workshop where leaders will talk about TR culture, explain the steps you take from first signing up to becoming deployable for trainings, service projects, events, and operations, and talk about packing your Go Bag and what to do when you return home from a deployment. This Go Day event happens at the Museum of the National Guard on Saturday morning.

Celebrate Go Day and Talk Go Bags in Nebraska

Saturday morning, local leaders in Papillon, NE, will be doing a modified Grab Your Go Bag. We want to hear/see what our Greyshirts like to bring with them on deployments. The State and Local leadership will introduce themselves and go over their goals for the year. As a special treat our own Greyshirt Rich Locke will talk about his three-week deployment helping the people of Hawaii!

A Go Day Service Project with the LA Foodbank

Celebrate Go Day 2024 with the LA Metro Team as they pack family food boxes to support partner organization the Los Angeles Regional Foodbank in their mission to provide nutritious food to underserved individuals in the County of Los Angeles. Afterwards, Greyshirts will enjoy each other’s company, have lunch, and discuss TR cultural values and history.

Get Notified About Future Go Day—and Other—Events Happening in Your Area

These are just a few of the Go Day events already on the calendar, but more are coming as you read this. Don’t miss out on upcoming Go Day events you could attend: check the Find Events tool and calendar often for updates. 

Even better, you can ensure you’re getting notified of events happening in your area, and even set a customizable radius for those events. Just click on the arrow dropdown for your name in Roll Call and choose “Notifications” to update what—and for where—events you get updated about.

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