Six years ago, when a few Marines and medics were moving across Haiti trying to provide help after the unprecedented 7.0 magnitude earthquake rocked the country, I don’t think they could have ever pictured Team Rubicon where it is now. TR’s evolution in six short years from a small informal group to a global organization of veterans, first responders, and kick-ass civilians (recognized by the White House, Congress, Buckingham Palace, and more) is nothing short of amazing.
Next month, Region V is taking the next step in establishing TR as a first-class disaster response organization: we will be hosting MOBEX Motor City from May 11-16 in Detroit, with the goal of providing training opportunities for TR members by functioning as a mock disaster response deployment. MOBEX is short for “mobilization exercise.”

This event will take aim at the urban blight that has been settling into Detroit for decades. We will be partnering with Motor City Blight Busters to help clean up the Brightmoor neighborhood of Detroit. Over the course of five days, dozens of members will clear multiple city blocks of debris.
Beyond allowing Brightmoor to begin redevelopment, MOBEX Motor City will provide unique opportunities for TR members to gain additional training hours on strike teams, chainsaws, and command and general staff. This training will only make us stronger and more effective for the next emergent disaster.

Region VII recently hosted MOBEX Trigger in Omaha, and R5 member Timothy “Guns” Waynick praised his experience there:
“As a longtime TR member, I have deployed several times and have had so many different experiences. At MOBEX Trigger in Omaha, I was lucky enough to work with and learn from so many TR brothers and sisters from other regions.
You cannot put a price on how valuable it is to work side by side with so many people from across the country. MOBEX offered a few different training classes, but the best class was getting to work and discuss tactics with the rest of TR. I am truly excited about MOBEX Motor City, along with others have signed up to be a part of history and to help the great city of Detroit rebuild. I strongly encourage everyone from every region to take part in this huge opportunity.”
Sign up for this national-level exercise and learn what it’s like to deploy on an operation. From assessments to strike teams to command staff, MOBEX Motor City will offer plenty of chances to learn from the best!
Check out the details in Roll Call or email Mike at with question