It was August 1989 when I felt something missing in my life. What I was missing was a calling, a purpose, so I decided to join the U.S. Army. In 1991, I deployed to Kuwait and after coming back I requested to be transferred to the Puerto Rico National Guard (PRANG), where I served until 1995.
In 2005, I rejoined the PRANG and in 2009 I found myself mobilized to Djibouti, Africa. Six months later, I was sent on medical leave to the U.S.A., suffering from the invisible scars of Kuwait. In November 2010, I was medically discharged from the service. As I was struggling to keep afloat, I found the Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) among other organizations. It was through WWP that I learned about Team Rubicon.

Jaisiel Cosme with a Puerto Rican resident.
Although I was not active with TR until hurricane Maria affected Puerto Rico, I quickly discovered this organization is the answer that I’ve been in search of for a long time. I have always tried to live my life with a higher purpose. Today, I can certainly say that being a Team Rubicon Greyshirt is the most rewarding experience I’ve had at this stage of my life.
Operation Coqui Comeback has enabled me to help my fellow Puerto Ricans. And, even when I’m still missing my roof (which was damaged by Hurricane Maria), giving back and helping others in need during this operation has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. This feeling of serving a higher purpose through disaster relief, placing service above self and helping communities in need is something that every true Greyshirt comes to understand through deployments with Team Rubicon.