Share Your Awesome

When you join Region IV, you join one big, eccentric, and service-minded family. Learn what tradition makes their operations stand apart.

In Team Rubicon, no region has a unique tradition and culture as awesome as Region IV’s. Why?

Family. In this region, we regard each other not just as comrades but as family. We share our downfalls and our triumphs, our sorrows and our joys. We are accepted as we are, faults and all, and our passionate desire for service is celebrated in every moment.

On Region IV deployments, the activities of each day are discussed in a “fireside chat” as a group after we share our evening meal. Every individual is asked to share their awesome moment – one thing that, in their day or throughout the operation, stood out to them as exemplary or affected them personally.


Region IV launched Operation: Mississippi Mudcat in Hattiesburg, MS in the wake of a tornado in February 2013.

The discussions shared here range from hilarious and upbeat anecdotes about the day’s work to emotional personal stories of how deploying with Team Rubicon changed an individual’s life for the better or drew them out of the darkest of places and saved their lives. As each person is asked for their awesome moment, five minutes of uncontrollable laughing can be sharply followed by a powerful story leaving no dry eyes in the room.

A taste of family dinners in Region IV.

A taste of family dinners in Region IV.

Walking away from each of these fireside chats leaves us with a greater understanding of our fellow volunteers. It brings perspective and provides a renewed sense of purpose each and every day. On missions such as these, we often embrace the suck in less-than-ideal, stressful conditions to get the job done – and the experiences of those around us motivate us, keep us going, and inspire us to greater service.

Wrapping up Operation: Saw Humbug in Columbia, MS over the holidays last year.

Wrapping up Operation: Saw Humbug in Columbia, MS over the holidays last year.

As one volunteer said of her awesome moment, “Sometimes, you’ll reach a point in your life when you tie a knot at the end of your rope and hang on for dear life. What is awesome is knowing that even when you just can’t hang on anymore, there is a plethora of arms to catch you and help you pick back up.”

Because that’s what families do. And that is why Region IV is awesome.

Corey Finlay contributed to this post
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